Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The 1st Post

Dear bloggie,

This is our new home. I suppose you know the reasons of shifting from Xanga to here. We waited for so blardy long to load the ‘weblog’ page and yet the page doesn’t appear. Plus, the pictures can’t be uploaded. Sigh. Anyway, since this is my new and first post using Blogspot, I should at least be rather happier.

I am no longer working and surprisingly, I’m delighted for being jobless. Only when you are working, you will learn to appreciate your holidays, unless if you really enjoy your work. Well, not for me.

Most of my holiday time is spent on this online game, namely Crazy Shooter Online (CSO). I admit that I am highly addicted to it. Let the pics do the talking.


In this game, you'll dance to restore your HP.

This is my favourite gun - M4a1. It is an assault riffle so as for the Ak47.

Ohya, last but not least, I can count the number of hours CJ is coming back already. I am so so so EXCITED!!!



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